2008年9月9日火曜日 //////////////////////////

顛末 【GT5P】


Aug 25 2008, 11:00 AM
Joining @ XX:02. Anyone else get a message from TEAM 2ch_207? we got invited to race with them, and they wanted to know our schedule.


Aug 25 2008, 11:18 AM
Just joined @ XX:02 and there were about 7 or 8 TEAM_2ch drivers with TEAM2ch_207 leading the pack in a NSX.

This is there schedule.

500pp N1-N3 and the rest is free. XX:02 XX:22 XX:42.

I sent him a message back with our schedule. I might join his for a few in a bit, was funny to watch, looked slow.


Aug 25 2008, 11:20 AM
Just to be clear...you guys are racing the pp680 F430 on R1s today at 02-17-32-47 in the pp750 Suzuka event? This thread is a little hard to follow.


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